

Your charity gives hope

A 6.3 magnitude earthquake in western Afghanistan has caused mass destruction, killing almost 3,000 people and injuring 9,200 more. According to UN officials, more than 90 percent of those who have lost their lives were women and children.

Our Afghan brothers and sisters urgently need food, water and medical care to survive the worst earthquake they have seen in two decades. Even before this disaster, the country witnessed consecutive natural disasters and conflicts that led to widespread poverty, including 15.3 million Afghans not eating enough food.

By providing an Emergency Pack, you will give the following to a vulnerable family in need:

50kg bag of flour
3kg bag of Rice
10kg cooking oil
Gas canister

We need your urgent support to help us reach more people and save more lives, in sha Allah. Allah (swt) says in the Holy Quran ‘Whoever saves one [life] - it is as if he had saved the entirety of Mankind’. [5:32].

Please donate today and help us ease the plight of those suffering.

Note: All donations will go to our Afghanistan Emergency Appeal, so our team can allocate your Zakat and Sadaqah to where it is most needed on the ground. This includes distributing emergency packs and providing hot meals.