
Palestine Emergency


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Help Rebuild Lives in Palestine

The Messenger of Allah (saw) said, 'Adhere to Shaam, for it is Allah’s best land, to which He selects His best servants...' [Abu Dawud]

Families in Palestine have been left unable to enjoy the most basic of human rights such as access to food, water and medical treatment.  Around 2 million Palestinians struggle with food insecurity [UN] – in Gaza alone over 68% of people are living below the poverty line.

ßäßäÖ±²¥ has been working in Palestine since 2007, providing medical care, food, education and livelihoods support to families across the country. With the situation in Palestine deteriorating with each passing year, we need your continued support to provide urgent relief.

Our Projects In Palestine

Zakat for Palestinian Families

Many Palestinian families rely on visitors from abroad to bring them Zakat, but the ongoing pandemic has restricted travel, leaving communities in dire need.

In March 2021, it was reported Zakat funds were running low for the first time in 30 years. 1,700 families rely on them to meet their basic needs every month, including widows, orphans and the disabled. They urgently need your Zakat to provide for these vulnerable families. 

£50 will help one family meet their basic needs for a month. This includes food, medicines and bills. We are even delivering your Zakat straight to people’s doors if they are unable to leave the house, alhamdulillah!

Don't leave our brothers and sisters in dire need during this pandemic. Send them your Zakat to fulfil your obligation while helping them survive.

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Orphan Sponsorships Change Lives

Thanks to our generous sponsors, we are currently supporting more than 1,000 orphans in Palestine just like Mohammad (pictured left). 

Since his father passed away, Mohammed's family has relied on Zakat and Sadaqah, with his mother doing her best to stretch this income over six children.

But alhamdulillah, she no longer has to worry about Mohammad's education. 

The orphan sponsorship has given Mohammad the chance to go to school and aspire to a brighter future. He dreams of relieving his mother's burdens, and he works hard at school, hoping he can become an engineer and support her.

Sponsor an orphan today to change the lives of children like Mohammad!


Olive Trees Provide Livelihoods

In regions of Palestine, 81% of families are living below the poverty line and in Gaza, unemployment rates are the highest in the world.

Olive tree cultivation is at the heart of Palestine’s fragile economy. By providing farmers with trees and equipment, your donations are helping Palestinian families support themselves and their communities in an increasingly bleak economic situation.

Don’t let poverty define someone. Empower a poor family with a livelihood today!


£150 can provide ten olive trees to help people earn a sustainable livelihood.

£300 can provide twenty olive trees to help people earn a sustainable livelihood.

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How your donations are making a difference

Protecting the people of Palestine

Last year your support helped us reach around 2,500 orphans in Gaza.

Over 10 years our Gaza Winter Walk has raised over £1 million for the children of Gaza

Last year we provided crucial pyscho-social support to 10,000 Gazans

We provided Qurbani to feed 315 needy families across Palestine last year

Last year our agricultural production project helped 100 families and created 25 sustainable jobs

We have been improving the facilities at the Al-Durrah Children’s Hospital which provides medical care to 10,000 children a year

‘It (Shaam) is the chosen land of Allah in all of His earth, to which He selects His best servants’. [Abu Dawud]

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ßäßäÖ±²¥ UK

Established in 1993, ßäßäÖ±²¥ is an aid agency and NGO helping those affected by poverty, conflict and natural disaster in over 20 countries worldwide.