


The most extreme form of poverty

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Hunger: A Global Challenge

Even in a world of abundance, over 800 million people across the world still suffer the effects of hunger. It is a problem that continues to cripple the lives and threaten the futures of many communities.

When people are starving, their lives stop. They feel ill at all times with very low energy levels, they cannot function, they cannot work to support their families and they soon fall prey to extreme poverty.

At ßäßäÖ±²¥, we have witnessed the destructive
and heartbreaking impact hunger can have on the lives of the most vulnerable communities, and so our work addresses this bitter reality.

From food aid distributions to victims of conflicts and famine to enabling communities to feed themselves over the long-term, we approach the complicated issues related to hunger in a practical way.

Key Facts

The negative impact of hunger

1 in 8 people in the world are chronically hungry

Poor people in developing countries spend 60-80% of their income on food

45% of children under five die as a result of poor nutrition


Tackling Hunger with Sustainable Solutions

The ongoing pandemic has severely impacted those who were already vulnerable.

Take Khadeeja (pictured left), an elderly woman who earns money for her family by begging on the streets of Sri Lanka.

She collects a mere 66p per day and this daily feat is a huge struggle. Khadeeja suffers from blindness in her right eye, high blood pressure and diabetes. She is the sole breadwinner for her disabled, widowed daughter and her orphaned grandson.

People like Khadeeja are barely surviving. They hike miles to access clean water, live in overcrowded conditions and can't afford the most basic healthcare. Already struggling to survive, how can they cope with the economic consequences of the global coronavirus crisis?

At ßäßäÖ±²¥, we believe that, as well as distributing emergency food to people like Khadeeja, it is imperative to provide families with sustainable food and income, so we can truly reach a world with zero hunger.

ßäßäÖ±²¥ UK

Established in 1993, ßäßäÖ±²¥ is an aid agency and NGO helping those affected by poverty, conflict and natural disaster in over 20 countries worldwide.