

From your award winning charity
07 July 2020

Press Release: Distributing Your Qurbani to Over 700,000 Benficiaries

Sahirah Javaid
Press Release: Distributing Your Qurbani to Over 700,000 Benficiaries

Charity to offer Qurbani to over 700,000 beneficiaries in conflict and disaster zones

UK charity ßäßäÖ±²¥ is distributing Qurbani meat in 23 countries which will reach out to 722,000 of the world's neediest people. Countries supported will include Yemen, Kashmir and the UK who will receive the meat distribution during the Eid al-Adha festival, celebrated between 31st July to 1st August.

More than 820 million people in the world are globally hungry according to WHO, which is largely the result of conflict and climate change. Beneficiaries supported have either been displaced because of war such as those in Syria, battling with severe malnutrition in Yemen, or have lost everything because of drought or flooding such as those in Malawi and Bangladesh.

ßäßäÖ±²¥ has been fulfilling the Islamic ritual of Qurbani for over 25 years ensuring that the meat is of high quality and given to those that are needy. Every year the task becomes more difficult and dangerous as the situation on the ground changes.

Yemen is facing the devastating impact of war and now pandemic. The drastic change in the economy, as well as funding cuts, will mean that an estimated 5.5 million Yemenis are at risk of losing access to life-saving aid, with women and children being the most vulnerable. As part of the Qurbani programme ßäßäÖ±²¥ will source 500 sheep which will reach out to 14,000 beneficiaries in Aden, Lahj and Ma’rib.

Support will also be extended to the homeless and vulnerable in the UK through the Open Kitchen in Hounslow who will use the meat as part of the initiative in providing nutritious meals twice a day seven days a week.

Yasrab Shah, Muslim Hand Fundraising Director, said:

'At ßäßäÖ±²¥ we are grateful for the continued opportunity to provide blessed meat through our Qurbani programme for over 25 years. Qurbani symbolises sacrifice, unconditional love and faith in our Lord and it is beautiful to see our donors showing their affection towards beneficiaries who are in extreme hardship. We will be carrying out our Qurbani programme all over the world including the UK and we hope this will bring some joy to our beneficiaries during the blessed festival of Eid al-Adha'.

Abdul Rahman Hussein, Country Director Yemen Programmes, said:

'Qurbani is an enormous task and one that is extremely challenging in Yemen because of the complex issues on the ground. Though we try and source as much as we can locally to support the economy it is difficult to purchase livestock from the local markets and therefore much of our sheep will come from Ethiopia. Many factors need to be considered during Qurbani such as security clearance from officials to enter certain governates, ensuring that the distribution is received by those who are needy, that we have the correct equipment to cut the meat and to ensure that the meat stays fresh in such a hot climate. Our team on the ground are completely dedicated to ensuring that beneficiaries receive this blessed meat which for the majority will be the first time this year'.

Notes to editors:
• Established in 1993, ßäßäÖ±²¥ is an international aid agency and NGO dedicated to providing emergency relief and tackling the root causes of poverty around the world.
• ßäßäÖ±²¥ works in over 30 countries worldwide.
• Eid ul Adha, also called the ‘Festival of Sacrifice’, is the second of two Islamic holidays celebrated worldwide each year (the other being Eid al-Fitr). This year it will be celebrated between 31st July to 1st August 2020.
• During this festival, Muslims around the world slaughter an animal – a goat, sheep, cow or camel – to reflect the Prophet Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice his son Ismail, for the sake of God.
• We rely on voluntary donations to continue our vital work. You can donate now by calling 0115 911 7222 or visiting muslimhands.org.uk


ßäßäÖ±²¥ UK

Established in 1993, ßäßäÖ±²¥ is an aid agency and NGO helping those affected by poverty, conflict and natural disaster in over 20 countries worldwide.